TWI’s Environmental Management System (EMS) has held a certificate of approval for ISO 14001 since 2005, and more recently, successfully transitioned to the new 2015 version of the standard. The current scope of certification covers activities at TWI headquarters based in Cambridge (the Granta Centre, Plant Integrity Ltd and The Test House Ltd), TWI Technology Centre Wales, TWI Technology Centre Yorkshire, and TWI Technology and Training Centre North East. In addition to the above, many of TWI’s overseas offices have also achieved, and maintain, separate certification to ISO 14001 and ISO45001 management systems.
TWI’s Quality and Safety Manager has responsibility for the EMS, which is administered by the Environmental Team to ensure continued conformance to requirements of the standard, and where appropriate, legislative and regulatory compliance. Additional oversight is provided by the Management Environment Review Committee who meet bi-annually to ensure the effectiveness of the EMS and adherence to the HSE Policy.
As an employer of more than 250 people, TWI is required to comply with the requirements of the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme, and the Carbon Reduction Commitment Scheme. Although not legally required, TWI has reported greenhouse gas emissions since 2010; TWI’s carbon footprint has reduced by 10.2% from 2015 to 2016.